One More Game!
One More Game! Please? Last one I swear! OMG Podcast brings you the latest from the video game news and rumor mills! Join us weekly as we chat about our passion: all things gaming. Three fighter pilots, theStroke, Swiftmida and ImPickleMatt, bring you our takes on what’s going on in the gaming world, reviews on the games we’ve been playing along with recommendations, and discussions on balancing adult life and responsibilities with a passion for video games. Just because you have to grow up doesn’t mean giving up those gaming sessions. Follow our tips to not aggro wife rage and kid anarchy while still grinding to the top!

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Episode 53: Gaming Media and Reviews
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke Swiftmida and ImPickleMatt get in to the video game media world. Where do you get your gaming news? Do reviews mean anything to you? How do you decide if you will buy a game? We've got you covered!
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you will be entered to win a custom gaming PC from!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
@OMG_podcastgg on Twitter or Instagram
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Episode 52: Starfield Pass...
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke and Swiftmida talk short and sweet about their week in gaming, hit on Starfield, and chat about life! We've got you covered!
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you will be entered to win a custom gaming PC from!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
@OMG_podcastgg on Twitter or Instagram
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Episode 51: Baldur’s Royale and Battle Gate
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke and Swiftmida are joined by ImPickleMatt and duke it out in a Battle Royale! Where did the game genre come from? We've got you covered!
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you will be entered to win a custom gaming PC from!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
@OMG_podcastgg on Twitter or Instagram
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Episode 50: Gaming Life Skills
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke and Swiftmida discuss whether or not video games make you better at life. Where do you stand???
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you will be entered to win a custom gaming PC from!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
@OMG_podcastgg on Twitter or Instagram
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Episode 49: Nintendo: A History (Part 3)
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke and Swiftmida continue with part 3 of 3 on the history of Nintendo! Where did your favorite video game company originate? We've got you covered.
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you never know when we are doing a giveaway!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Episode 48: Nintendo: A History (Part 2)
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke and Swiftmida continue with part 2 of 3 on the history of Nintendo! Where did your favorite video game company originate? We've got you covered.
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you never know when we are doing a giveaway!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Episode 47: Nintendo: A History (Part 1)
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke, Swiftmida, and ImPickleMatt start the first of a three-part series on the history of Nintendo! Where did your favorite video game company originate? We've got you covered.
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you never know when we are doing a giveaway!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code OMGpod15 at for 30% off our ONE MORE GAME! gaming supplements and energy boosters!
Reach us at:
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday May 19, 2023
Episode 46: You’ve never played what????
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke, Swiftmida, and (for the first time ever!) ButteredToast bring you an entertaining look at the big games they have never played. What is your biggest missed franchise?
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you never know when we are doing a giveaway!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code omgpod10 at for 30% off your favorite gaming supplements and energy booster!
Reach us at:
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday May 12, 2023
Episode 45: The Legend of the Legend of Zelda
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke, Swiftmida, and ImPickleMatt get you ready for the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's release by revisiting every major release in the series. Want to know where your favorite pointed-eared hero comes from? Look no further than One More Game!
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you never know when we are doing a giveaway!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code omgpod10 at for 30% off your favorite gaming supplements and energy booster!
Reach us at:
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

Friday May 05, 2023
Episode 44: Diablo Coverage and Big Gaming News!
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
OneMoreGame! Podcast is back with another installment of weekly gaming news, commentary, and a little fighter pilot chat.
This week theStroke, Swiftmida, and ImPickleMatt return for the first time in a month! Life has been busy but the boys are back with another full episode on the terror lord himself.
Follow us on Twitter @OMG_PodcastGG and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, you never know when we are doing a giveaway!
Thank you for listening! Share if you enjoyed this episode of OneMoreGame. Just because you have to grow up, doesn't mean you have to stop playing! Game on Gamers!
Use code omgpod10 at for a discount on the gaming PC build of your dreams and many other gaming accessories!
Use code omgpod10 at for 30% off your favorite gaming supplements and energy booster!
Reach us at:
Live recording every Thursday night 10 pm EST on our Twitch
Please send us an email at:
Join the One More Game! Discord at:

One More Blog!
Here you will find our weekly gaming Blog from our illustrious writer James Thatcher! Check it out every week as James reminisces about the good old days of gaming, reviews current games, and comments on the current state of the industry. He's always got some hot takes!
More to come!

They keep making 'em, We keep playing 'em
Gaming is life! But sometimes life doesn't agree. theStroke, Swiftmida, and ImPickleMatt are here to save you from the doldrums of life and keep you covered on all things from around the gaming world. Whether you are a single parent, full-time working adult, starving college student, or eSports legend, OMG is here to share your gaming passions and talk about games. We understand you are not addicted, you can quit whenever you want, just like us! So join us weekly to explore the realms and talk about our life balance with everything we care about in reality and everything we love virtually!
And as a bonus, you can join us every Wednesday night 10pm EST as we record each week's episode live on
Drop a line in chat!
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